How to purify water when camping or touring

Going bush with Jamie, Australian BushmanPurify Water: Going Bush With Jamie

In different climates and different locations collecting water can be harder than one would think. Today we are going to talk about how to purify water. We are here at a fast running stream so we should get some decent water out of it, but you may come to a place that is dormant with no movement what so ever and you always need to be aware of the bug living in the water of those places.
What I can show you here is how to purify some water quite simply. The Offroad Adventure Show


Now the aquatabs are a very simple tablet that you can carry in your backpack or your truck (One tablet will clean and purify up a litre of water). Now let it sit for 15-30 minutes. 15 minutes will cut it ok, but if the water is still murky then leave it for 1/2 hour. You can leave it as long as you want.


Now iodine is something you probably keep in your first aid kit, but you might not know that a teaspoon will do the same job as the tablets do.

Boiling Water

Of course the most simplest ways to purify water if you have the time and a campfire is to boil your water, that will do it every time it will kill 99% of the germs in the water. Now remember when you boil the billy you gotta let it cool down before you can drink it if you want to rehydrate effectively, unless your having a cuppa then you’ll be right.


Also you can use a Steripen to purify water, now the Steripens can be used wether you are travelling in another country or in your own local area. It is very simple, all you’re gunna do is pop it into your cup of water, stir it around. You’ll have a red light on top of it at first, then stir it around for probably 30 – 40 seconds until it turns green, when it turns green you know it is good to drink. Now thats the way you do it when you’ve got some cold water. TheAustralianBushman_logoNow next week I will show you how to build your own filter to remove silt from dirty water. Getting your water clear and ready to purify because you never know when you just might need to drink from a puddle. offroad adventure show australian bushman how to purify water DVD Available now working file

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